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How do I treat injuries?

Last Updated

Alpha 4.0 Preview


Whenever your character takes damage, such as being hit by gunfire during an FPS mission, there's a chance of receiving a Injury in addition to the loss of health.

Injuries have ongoing effects, such as blurry vision or slowed movement, and prevent you from healing back to full health - the more injuries you receive, the lower your maximum health will be. Injuries also have a tier level - where 3 is the least severe and 1 is the most - that affects how severe the effects are and how difficult the injuries are to heal.


Medbeds are included in medical/rescue vehicles, such as the C8R Pisces Rescue or Cutlass Red, larger capital/sub-capital ships like the Carrack & 890J, and are available at the clinics in all stations and hospitals in all cities.

Note: Medbeds can only heal injuries up to their tier - e.g. the Tier 2 medbed in a Carrack can only heal Tier 2 or 3 injuries. Medbeds at clinics & hospitals are always Tier 1 and can heal all injuries.

  1. If you're at a clinic or hospital, you will have to request a room from the reception desk terminal. Once assigned a room number, follow signs to find the room and lie in the bed.

    • In a vehicle, you can go straight to the medical bay and lie in the bed.

    • If you are healing another player that is incapacitated, you will need to drag their body to the medbed and select the Place Body prompt on the bed, then access the nearby terminal.

  2. Select Medical Care

  3. Review injuries on the Status tab, then switch to Treatment to select injuries to treat. Click Perform Treatments then wait for the treatment to complete.

  4. If the medbed is not high enough tier to treat all injuries, you can use the Medication tab & the Auto-Med option to apply the correct combination of drugs to temporarily remove the effects of injuries.

    Note: The health cap from injuries is not removed when they are medicated, only their effect on your movement, vision etc.