How do I find the spaceport at each city?
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For each city there is a main spaceport that is typically a short distance away from the main city quantum marker. There is no direct marker for the spaceport location, but there are landmarks that can help you find them easily.
New Babbage, Microtech
The quantum marker for Microtech is placed on the Aspire residences where players spawn in.
New Babbage Interplanetary Spaceport is on the mountainside south of the marker, across the open ice lake, and is easily located by following the train lines.
Lorville, Hurston
Teasa Spaceport is right at the centre of the city, in front of the Hurston tower, and can be identified by the floating blue text directly above it.
Orison, Crusader
August Dunlow Spaceport has a distinctive, spider-like shape when viewed from above.
Area 18, ArcCorp
Riker Memorial Spaceport is often difficult to see on approach because of the thick cloud layers above the city; it can be recognised easily when visible by the large, flat, red/white surface. To reach it, start at the Area 18 marker above the I/O Tower on ArcCorp Plaza, then fly directly west, following the neon billboards along the highway.