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Where can I buy ships in-game?

Last Updated

Alpha 4.0 Preview


A big part of progressing in Star Citizen is earning up the cash to buy larger or more specialised ships, or that support multi-crew or new gameplay loops.

With few exceptions, all ships that have been released can be purchased in-game by earning aUEC and buying them at ship dealers around the Stanton system. During Alpha, your purchase also includes lifetime insurance and a warranty, so even if your ship is destroyed you will always be able to replace it and its components.

Ship Availability

While the majority of ships are available purchase with in-game currency, there some exceptions:

  • Recent Releases: Ships are typically made available to buy in-game after two major patches or six months have passed since they were added.

  • Limited Releases: Ships like the Sabre Raven and Mustang Omega were only available as special offers with hardware deals, like certain Intel SSDs, and will never be available to buy in-game.

  • Unlocks: Some ships, like the F8C, will only be available in-game when the single-player Squadron 42 game releases, and can be unlocked for purchase as a reward for completing that campaign.

Game Wipes

While Star Citizen is in Alpha and major tech changes are still being released, it is sometimes necessary to wipe part or all of the current player progression during a patch release. These wipes typically happen once or twice a year, and may be limited to specific things (like aUEC accounts) or may reset all player progress back to start.

Note that you will never lose access to items or ships that were pledged for with real money - only items acquired in-game can be lost during wipes.

Buying Ships

There are three locations in the Stanton system that sell ships:

The largest of the ship dealers in Stanton, New Deal has a wide selection of ships & ground vehicles and is accessible directly from Teasa Spaceport. New Deal also has a selection of ships on the showroom floor that you can board and tour, including the luxury Constellation Phoenix and the Hammerhead gunship.

Astro Armada has less options than New Deal and no showroom floor, but it does sell some specialist brands including the different alien ships available in-game.

Crusader Showroom specialises in Crusader's own ships and is the smallest of the ship dealers, but has a large showroom for touring Crusader's larger offerings along with terminals for ship weapons and a wide selection of missiles and ordnance.

A full listing of ships available at each location and their prices is available on Star Citizen Wiki.

At each dealer, there are two ways to purchase ships:

From the Terminal

Each dealer has one or more terminals available, where you can browse the full selection of ships available by manufacturer.

From the Show Floor

Each ship located on the show floors is accompanied by a podium with information about it - you can purchase directly from the podium by facing it and holding F.