Where can I rent ships in-game?
Last Updated
While buying ships in-game can take a lot of aUEC, along with the time to earn it, many ships can be rented at much lower cost. This can give you opportunities to try new game loops while still starting out, or give ships a test flight to decide where best to spend your aUEC.
There two main locations from where you can consistently rent vehicles, along with expos and events that run during the year.
Modifying Rented Ships
Note that rented ships cannot be modified in the Vehicle Loadout Manager and so you will typically be limited to their stock loadout (though you can swap some weapons and components using the tractor beam)
At Spaceports
Each city spaceport has a dedicated rental location with a range of vehicles available, and there are different options available at each one.
- Simply use the rental terminal, select the ship you want to rent and confirm; the ship will appear in your ASOP terminal (or at garage terminals for ground vehicles) along with the time remaining on the rental.
Refineries & Cargo Decks
The Cargo Decks found at LEO stations, and Refineries at L1/L2 stations, have a regular selection of ships available for rental that match with their location. That is, Cargo Decks will rent ships that can be used for cargo hauling, while Refineries rent out Prospectors for ship mining, and ROCs for ground mining, along with Cutlass Blacks to transport the ROCs.
- Simply use the rental terminal, select the ship you want to rent and confirm; the ship will appear in your ASOP terminal (or at garage terminals for ground vehicles) along with the time remaining on the rental.
There are annual in-game events, like Invictus Launch Week in May and the Interplanetary Aerospace Expo in November, where a large selection of ships are put on display at an expo hall somewhere in the Stanton system. Almost all ships on display can be rented, at no cost, for 48 hours.
- To rent a ship at the expo, find the nearby podium for the ship; face the podium and hold F - it will appear in your ASOP terminal (or at garage terminals for ground vehicles) along with the time remaining on the rental.