How do I store my ship?
Last Updated
Alpha 3.23.1
Information on this page may be outdated.
Ships and vehicles can be stored at any location that has ASOP terminals and large enough hangars or pads to accomodate them.
Storing a ship perists the entire ship (including inventory, vehicles stowed onboard and any physical items) safely until the next time you retrieve it; you should always store your ship before logging off.
Storing your ship also allows you to modify it through the MobiGlass to apply paints or new upgrades.
Some ships (e.g. Hammerhead, 890 Jump) are large enough that they need to dock at most stations. Large ships that do not support docking (e.g. Reclaimer) cannot land at most stations and must be stored at city spaceports or Grim Hex.
Storing at a spaceport or space station
Park your vehicle at a hangar, landing pad or docking port that has been issued to you by ATC.
Note: All space stations have 4 open landing pads that do not require permission from ATC to land at; these cannot be used for storing your ship and are intended for making repairs, refuelling and quick passenger pickups.
Make sure that you ship is fully powered down (U).
Take the elevator from the hangar/pad/port to the Lobby.
Use an ASOP terminal and find your ship in the list.
If parked in the correct location, the terminal will show the name and a Store option.
Click Store and wait until the screen shows Stored.